Groupe de soutien myélome multiple nord de la Colombie-Britannique

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[Contenu seulement disponible en anglais]

The purpose of the Northern BC Multiple Myeloma Support Group is to offer patients facing the diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma, their families, caregivers and friends a chance to connect with others facing Multiple Myeloma in Northern BC.

Join our closed Facebook group and get connected with myeloma patients and caregivers from Northern BC:

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter :
Vivien Lougheed & Judy Simms
Courriel : [email protected]


[Contenu seulement disponible en anglais]

Join us in a supportive and caring environment to share experiences, and encourage awareness and advocacy among members. It’s a chance to come together to discuss the latest developments in treatment and care. Our region is wide and patients are spread out, if it’s difficult to get to Prince George for a support group meeting, please contact us via phone or email.