MC Assistance is Myeloma Canada’s new personalized information service for people with myeloma, their family and friends. Now, you can personally connect and talk with one of our myeloma information specialists by phone or over e-mail.

Regardless of where you or your loved one is in life with myeloma, questions are bound to come up. Whether you’re looking for information on the disease, its treatments and side effectsProblems that occur due to drugs used for disease treatment. Common side effects of cancer treatment are fatigue, nausea, vomiting, decreased blood cell counts, hair loss, and mouth sores., or searching for cancer-related community services in your area, our information specialists are here to help you find the answers and resources you need. Perhaps you’re looking for someone outside your circle to lend a supportive ear or listen to your concerns? Our information specialists are specially trained to listen and support you, in full confidentiality, throughout the many phases of the disease.
In this day and age of on-line chatbots and auto-generated replies, it’s nice to know that with MC Assistance, there’s a real person with whom you can connect and talk.
To request information or contact a Myeloma Canada MC Assistance information specialist, simply fill out the request form below OR call 1-888-798-5771. Be sure to include your contact information, the details of your request and the best time to reach you. One of our specialists will return your call or answer your e-mail within 1-3 business days. You will be notified in the event of heavy traffic affecting this standard lead time.
[Quebec residents: We are proud to announce our partnership with the Quebec Cancer Foundation (QFC). For general questions on cancerA term for diseases in which malignant cells divide without control. Cancer cells can invade nearby tissues and spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system to other parts of the body. and available services in Quebec, your request may be redirected to the QCF. MC Assistance will be happy to address your more specific questions on myeloma and its treatments].
[International requests: Please note that all requests from outside Canada will only be answered by email. Be sure to provide us with an email address when you leave your coordinates].