December 15, 2023
Opinion: CAR T-Cell THERAcell therapy delays jeopardize lives of Canadians with blood cancer
Myeloma Canada is a member of thecancercollaborative (Colab) a cancer collaborative and patient-driven think-tank dedicated to bridging science, policy, and advocacy to accelerate policy change and make a meaningful contribution to cancer care. Along with other members, we signed Colab’s opinion letter for a multi-stakeholder approach to develop solutions that address both healthcare system challenges and the plight of patients who cannot afford to wait for innovative therapies.
Blood cancer affects people of all ages. In Canada, blood cancer represents10% of all cancer cases, and is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths. CAR T-cell therapies have changed the treatment paradigm for managing people with blood cancers. This new standard of care offers renewed hope to those who have exhausted conventional therapies, and a chance for long-term survival.
Together, we are calling for a more reflective and informed decision-making process in cancer care that brings the right people together to collaboratively and proactively think about the unique challenges of emerging therapies and the patients whose lives are counting on them.
Read the opinion letter here.
Learn more about Colab here.