Wellness: Taking care of yourself

Eating healthy can help give you more energy, build up your strength, and aid in post-treatment recovery. There’s no need for you to avoid foods that contain calciumMineral found mainly in the hard part of bone., since they have no effect on blood calcium. Likewise, foods containing protein do not have an impact on paraprotein levels.
You should, however, avoid drinking too many beverages that contain caffeine, like tea, coffee, and soft drinks. As for alcohol consumption, that’s something you should discuss with your doctor or pharmacist, because alcohol should be avoided with certain medications. Caffeine and alcohol are also known to increase urination, which may lead to dehydration and fatigue.
Be sure to drink plenty of water — up to two litres per day — to help flush toxinsPoisons produced by certain animals, plants, or bacteria. out of your body.

Dietary supplements
Some people take a multivitamin supplement when they feel they may not be getting all the vitamins and nutrients they need from their diet. Because vitamins and/or supplements can have an impact on your myeloma and/or its treatment, be sure to always consult your healthcare team beforehand.
Staying hydrated is important for your overall well-being and to support the health of your kidneys, which may be particularly vulnerable as a result of your myeloma and/or your myeloma treatment.