April 2, 2021

COVID-19 & Myeloma InfoBulletin

Myeloma Canada is committed to providing you with the most reliable, relevant and up-to-date information on the coronavirus COVID-19 and myeloma as possible. That’s why we created the COVID-19 & Myeloma InfoBulletin.

This week, we answer to some of your questions:

  • What has Myeloma Canada done regarding advocating for vaccine priority for people living with myeloma?
  • Is Myeloma Canada doing anything about the issue of vaccine dosing delays?
  • How did the vaccines get developed so quickly when it typically takes years, and as such, are they really safe?
  •  Should people with myeloma be vaccinated?
  • What are some of the side effects from the vaccine that people with myeloma can expect?
  • When should I get the vaccine?

Click here to read the InfoBulletin.